What eats a killer whale?
Can you imagine what creature could possibly prey on a mighty killer whale, which is known for its immense size and formidable strength? It's a fascinating question that begs for an answer. Although killer whales are apex predators in the ocean, there are certain factors and potential predators that could pose a threat to them. But the reality is, there isn't a specific predator that actively hunts and eats killer whales as a primary food source. However, it's possible that larger sharks, such as great whites, might occasionally attack and injure a killer whale, especially if the whale is injured or weak. Additionally, humans can also pose a significant threat to killer whales through hunting, pollution, and habitat destruction. So, while there isn't a definitive answer to the question "What eats a killer whale?", it's important to consider the various factors that could impact their survival in the wild.

Has a killer whale ever killed a human in the wild?
Have you ever heard of a killer whale, also known as an orca, attacking a human in their natural habitat? It's a fascinating question that has sparked much debate and curiosity among marine biologists and animal enthusiasts alike. Despite their imposing size and powerful presence, killer whales are actually highly intelligent and social creatures that often exhibit behaviors that are quite different from their ferocious reputation. But have there been any recorded instances of a killer whale harming a human in the wild? Let's dive deeper into this intriguing topic and explore the facts and myths surrounding killer whale interactions with humans.